Screening tests are an important part of our preventive health care. For people between the ages of 30 and 49, these tests are used for early detection of some of the more common and potentially deadly diseases—such as cancers, diabetes, and heart disease—that begin to affect people in their middle years. These tests can help catch certain illnesses and conditions in their earliest and most curable stages, even before you notice symptoms.
With information from screening tests, our healthcare provider can work with us to develop preventive measures that will improve our health and can even extend our healthy years. For example, a routine cholesterol test could reveal your risk for developing heart disease, allowing you to take preventive steps—like lifestyle changes—before you develop a serious condition. We are offering free lab tests for 1 Hepatitis B & C ELISA(per day 20 tests), HIV ELISA(per day 2 tests), TB Mantoux Test(per day 5 tests), Malaria ICT(per day 2 tests), Dengue ICT(per day 1 test), CBC(per day 10 tests), RFTs(per day 5 tests), LFTs(per day 5 tests) and Serum Glucose(per day 10 tests).